Monday, August 24, 2009

I have not written in forever. See how much I love you, Marie. Not cool. I know. I'm sorry. I will try but I will probably fail. I love you.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Me = Worst blogger ever. Sorry sweet Marie. This and all of the posts are for you and I am a failure. Let's see....What can I type about today? I did my taxes. got a little bit of a return. That was nice. Put it in the trusty savings account for maybe a little bit of a jaunt out west this summer. I havent heard anything from anyone. As soon as I know I will call you and let you know all the good or bad news. I just hope to get into Kentucky. The Library of Congress job is a big ol long shot and I am happy just to know that my co-workers love me (as seen through my letters of recommendation).

What else? Just working. Made some delicious meals with Gabe this weekend and we worked out together Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It's always fun to get moving together. I pulled a muscle in my butt though. Ha. Playing raquetteball. I hate that game but Gabe loves it so I play it with him. I'm so bad.

Nothing else really. Mom is working on Christina's baby balnket so I have to slip the idea to her to get crackin' on one for you. What colors do you want???

Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday at the Drinko

So, I'm at the library and you are in Hawaii. Don't worry. Karma will get you. You are having all the good and I'm pretty sure since you are so awesome the good will always be around. Darn Karma doesn't work if you're already awesome and remain so throughout life. I need to be more like you. Anyhow. I hope you are having a beautiful wonderful glorious time on the islands. I have never been but my parents said it is so beautiful and I need to go, if only for the huge ass turtles. I know if Gabe and I went to Hawaii all he would do is chase animals around. It's his favorite past time. That gives me an idea. Make a list of things Gabe loves. this way you will learn more about him.

1. Animals and catching them. If not catching them then chasing them around until they threaten to bite him.

2. Ice cream. Really anything dairy. He lives for dairy. His one dream in life is to open a creamery and call it "The Cream Dream". Notice the innuendo.

3. Biff, his lovely wiener. He loves her more than anyone or anything. Order of girls he loves goes as follows - 1. Biff 2. Sammy, his other dog that lives at his parents house. 3. Marge, grandma. 4. Eryn. True story and I am completely okay with it.

4. Sci-Fi novels. He is way into sci-fi. What a geek.

5. PBS and Smithsonian magazine. Also Reader's Digest.

6. School. He is such a schoolie. It's all he wants to do in life.

7. David Bowie and Queen and Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell and Bruce Springsteen and ELO and Tom Petty, ETC. We love old skool.

8. Cold weather. This is where we disagree. I like cold weather but not a lot of it and after living in WV and it getting so wet and cold for so long I am ready for sunshine and zero humidity.

9.Goodwill clothing. Gabe sees no reason in buying new clothes, or anything really new for that matter. His one rule for goodwill is never buy underwear or shoes there. That seems reasonable.

10. Dancing around our apartment. He dances to our albums and makes dinner. It's pretty hilarious most of the time.

11. Asian movies. Always with the asian movies at Blockbuster. I like 'em too but not every time. Variety is the spice of life.

12. Traveling. He loves it loves it loves it. He wishes he could get a degree in anthropology as well.

13. Being completely responsible and practical. Obviously another difference of ours.

14. Cora. He likes her a lot because he says she responds to him as the regular adult he is. He thinks she is really cool for a baby. He likes to talk with her as if she were 45.

15. Dairy Queen and hot dogs and milkshakes. I know this technically fits under the dairy entry but I cannot stress to you how much this guy loves dairy. He lives for it, literally.


Let's just make number 15 FOOD.

and there you have it.

Love you Marie!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I'm a copy-cat

I am going to duplicate Marie's blog with my own version.

Things I don't care for-

Monarchies. This has been on my list of things I don't like for a while now. Is a monarchy really necessary these days. That darn Queen is always walkin' around like she matters. If I saw her I would NOT bow.

Living in a tiny box. Our apartment is so incredibly small. I love the price but hate the space. It's going to test me in ways I can only imagine. Good thing Gabe is wicked cool.

Missing people. I hate hate hate that the people I love so dearly are so far away. I love the Stotts and I love Christina and I love all my long lost friends who live in cool places. I wish we could all get a plane and share it.

Being sick. It stinks because I don't have a job in which I can take sick days and still get paid. If I don't go I don't get.

Working. I would love to be able to do all the things I love when I want to do them and get paid gobs of money. That would be awesome. I would probably just end up reading all the books in the world.

The fact that I just realized this blog should be about things I don't care ABOUT and not FOR. I'm a dork.

I love you Marie!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My new blog. Ha.

I decided to make a blog purely to communicate with Marie. I like writing but am not creative at all and Marie understands my musings better than most. So this is dedicated to you, Mrs. Stott, baby-maker, mother extraordinaire, purely awesome individual. I miss you like crazy and my dream is to one day infiltrate Utah and win over all the Mormons with my heretical ways. Watch out!