Monday, March 30, 2009


Me = Worst blogger ever. Sorry sweet Marie. This and all of the posts are for you and I am a failure. Let's see....What can I type about today? I did my taxes. got a little bit of a return. That was nice. Put it in the trusty savings account for maybe a little bit of a jaunt out west this summer. I havent heard anything from anyone. As soon as I know I will call you and let you know all the good or bad news. I just hope to get into Kentucky. The Library of Congress job is a big ol long shot and I am happy just to know that my co-workers love me (as seen through my letters of recommendation).

What else? Just working. Made some delicious meals with Gabe this weekend and we worked out together Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It's always fun to get moving together. I pulled a muscle in my butt though. Ha. Playing raquetteball. I hate that game but Gabe loves it so I play it with him. I'm so bad.

Nothing else really. Mom is working on Christina's baby balnket so I have to slip the idea to her to get crackin' on one for you. What colors do you want???

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