Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I'm a copy-cat

I am going to duplicate Marie's blog with my own version.

Things I don't care for-

Monarchies. This has been on my list of things I don't like for a while now. Is a monarchy really necessary these days. That darn Queen is always walkin' around like she matters. If I saw her I would NOT bow.

Living in a tiny box. Our apartment is so incredibly small. I love the price but hate the space. It's going to test me in ways I can only imagine. Good thing Gabe is wicked cool.

Missing people. I hate hate hate that the people I love so dearly are so far away. I love the Stotts and I love Christina and I love all my long lost friends who live in cool places. I wish we could all get a plane and share it.

Being sick. It stinks because I don't have a job in which I can take sick days and still get paid. If I don't go I don't get.

Working. I would love to be able to do all the things I love when I want to do them and get paid gobs of money. That would be awesome. I would probably just end up reading all the books in the world.

The fact that I just realized this blog should be about things I don't care ABOUT and not FOR. I'm a dork.

I love you Marie!

1 comment:

Marie Stott said...

Haa haa so funny. You need to re-do it because I know you don't care about a lot of things. And I want to hear them.
Love you, come to Hawaii this weekend. There's an extra room at the house we are staying at.